Accurate Record Keeping Get Started Find Out if You Qualify to Sell Your Policy Please complete the form below to take the next step toward selling your policy. "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 7 - User Information 0% Your Name* First Last Phone Number*Email Address* Policy Death Benefit*Please enter a number greater than or equal to 10000.Insured's Age *Please enter a number from 18 to 130.Insured's Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Use Insured’s Age Instead of DOB Use Insured’s Age Instead of DOBInsured's Health Status*Select One...ExcellentGoodFairPoorTerminalInsured's Gender*Select One...MaleFemaleAre you the insured?* Yes, I am the insured No, I am not the insured Terms & Conditions Agreement* I agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policy. Insured Contact InformationIn the previous step, you indicated that you are not the insured on the policy. Please provide the insured's contact information.Insured Name* First Last Insured Phone*Insured Email* What is your relationship to the insured?*Select One...SpouseChildAdvisorCaregiverOther Policy InformationWe need to evaluate your policy information. Please provide accurate answers or respond "I don't know" if you are unsure.What is the policy type?*Select One...Term LifeUniversal LifeWhole LifeOtherI don't knowHow long has the policyowner owned the policy?*Select One...Less than 2 years2 - 3 years4 - 5 years6 - 10 years11 - 15 years16 - 20 years21 - 25 yearsMore than 25 yearsI don't knowDid you receive the policy from a current or former employer?* Yes No Insured's Health HistoryProviding an accurate health history is important in determining eligibility.Has the insured ever been diagnosed with any of the following? Select all that apply. ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia Cancer Chronic Lung or Respiratory Disease (other than Asthma) Heart Disease (Including Pulse or Rhythm Issues) Insulin Dependent Diabetes Kidney or Renal Disease Liver Disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Parkinson's Disease Stroke / Cerebrovascular Disease Does the insured use any assistive devices or ongoing medical support such as homecare hospice or continuous therapy? Yes No Please explain assistive devices / medical support Please provide any additional health information for the insured that you would like us to consider. Additional People Insured on the PolicySome policies insure multiple people, often a spouse or significant other. If the policy insures more than one person, please provide their information.Is there another insured person on the policy who is still living?* Yes No Second insured's Name* First Last Second insured's Health Status*Select One...ExcellentGoodFairPoorTerminalSecond insured Age *Please enter a number from 18 to 130.Second insured's Date of Birth* Month Day Year Use Insured’s Age Instead of DOB Use Insured’s Age Instead of DOB Additional PoliciesSome people maintain more than one life insurance policy. Evaluating all of your policies at once may improve the insured's ability to qualify.Do you have any additional life insurance policies?* Yes No What is the total death benefit of the additional policy or policies?*Please enter a number greater than or equal to 10000. How did you hear about Clarity Wealth?*Select One...TVRadioInternet / Social MediaFamily or FriendOtherTV OptionsPlease select the TV channel or programSelect One...ABCCBSCNBCCNNESPNFAMILY ENTERTAINMENT TVFox BusinessFox NewsGame Show NetworkGolf ChannelJEOPARDYMSNBCNBCNewsmaxRFD-TVSUNDANCE CHANNELOtherRadio OptionsPlease select the Radio channel or programSelect One...SIRIUS MSNBCSIRIUS RADIO - BUSINESSSirius Radio - CNBCSirius Radio - CNNSirius Radio - Fox 24/7Sirius Radio - Fox BusinessSirius Radio - Fox NewsSirius Radio - Radio ClassicsOtherInternet / Social Media OptionsPlease select an Internet / Social Media optionSelect One...GoogleYouTubeFacebookInstagramWhatsAppLinkedInTwitterOther Δ Regulated activities are performed by a licensed affiliate.